Ephesians 6:10-18
The battle is real for some. (International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church) Faced with the real threat of persecution and danger, thousands of believers around the world worship God in fear. My encouragement to you today is to pray for them. Hebrews 13:3”Remember those in prison as if you were their fellow prisoners, and those who are mistreated as if you yourselves were suffering.” But thanks to our veterans, here in this country we have religious freedom. Consequently, the greatest expression of persecution that I might face is perhaps the rolling of someone’s eyes when they find out that I am a Christian. Living in this environment makes it easy at times, to take for granted a real, spiritual battle that’s going on.
Whether we realize it or not – whether you are a Christian or not, there is a spiritual battle for your soul and for the souls of the people around you. You have the opportunity and the responsibility to be aware of this battle, and actively involved in it.
As I prayerfully considered what my text would be for Veteran’s Day weekend, I was reminded of the fact that we are all soldiers who fight another kind of battle. This is something we teach our children, but often as adult believers, I’m afraid we’re walking around on a battlefield unaware of our surroundings – this is a dangerous place to be. Now this fact has been a source of some confusion for many, so today we are going to take a look at a passage in the book of Ephesians that describes this battle as well as our responsibility as people caught up in the middle of this spiritual struggle. It’s real. It’s important. And understanding how this works will help you find areas of victory that you otherwise will never realize -- if you take a passive approach.
The book of Ephesians describes who we are as believers because of what Jesus has done…who the church is – as a spiritual force…and then finally in the light of those two things the letter concludes with some directives as to how we are to live…One of the key ways that all believers are to live is as soldiers aware of the spiritual conflict and able to overcome the enemy with God’s strength. I have titled my message, “Armed and Victorious” – What does this mean? What does it look like for a the school teacher? For the bus driver? The parent? The single professional? The retired person? An athlete? A student?
II. Establish your strength in the Lord
Read Ephesians 6:10
As a final word – culminating this important letter is this exhortation to be empowered in the Lord and in the might of His strength.
We have a calling to “be strong”. God is calling His church to be strong. We need Christians who will be strong enough to express their faith by doing good. We need Christians who will be strong enough to make a difference in this world. Quite frankly, Christians have gained a reputation for being weak and insipid which is the opposite of strong. In what areas am I, as a human weak?
In what areas of my life do I need to be strong in the Lord? Is it fear that controls you? Is it a moral issue? Am I giving into temptation? Is it an issue of boldness? Do I hold back when God is telling me to reach out?
We have a source of strength: In the Lord and in His power: Let God be the strength of your life. Our areas of weakness are the places that He wants to bring us strength. (2 Corinthians 12:9 “My power is made perfect in weakness.” How great is His mighty power? (omnipotent – outside the measurable). This strength is not be our own natural force. But it comes from living a life in Him.
Establish your strength in the Lord – Be strong in Him.
III. Enter the right battle battlefield
Let’s read on: Read vss. 11-12
Accept the reality of the struggle
Lurking just below the surface of our lives is the reality of this spiritual warfare that is going on. Some may choose to deny it, but the word of God is clear –we must recognize this reality and engage in it. If we believe in the cross, and the Word and the resurrection and the presence of the HS that you can assume this reality.
The evil in this world has a source – spiritually. That leader the powers of evil, is the one the Bible calls the devil (the name Satan, literally means “deceiver”. He is not omnipresent. Neither is he omnipotent. He is powerful but limited in his abilities. -- Explain this hierarchy: Hierarchy of satanic influence in our world. We need not fear the reality of this dimension. Those that are in Christ are those who can actually combat these forces and the writer of Ephesians is about to tell us how to do that.
Because of the cross, Christ now reigns supreme. (The devil exercises limited influence through a network of spiritual powers. These actively hostile powers are under his leadership – we have been rescued from his domination, but we still battle)
For our hand to hand combat (struggle/wrestle) is not against flesh and blood, but against…of the darkness and the spirits of evil in the heavenlies).
Two examples of the reality of this spiritual struggle: Have you had moments when the spiritual struggle or battle became unusually clear or evident?
I think that these moments in life are allowed by God to strength our faith, solidify our faith and they are moment that He uses us to accomplish important things in the spirit. Normally, the battle takes place at another level – our will and our behavior are key elements in this struggle.
Understand the nature of our struggle: The more subtle and routine warfare that we are in has to do with the struggles with the lies that tempt us and can result in sinful and destructive choices. Behind your struggles, there are other things at work
Based on the fact of this spiritual warfare, you and I should look closely at this passage so that we will come out victorious in this struggle. Amen? We spend so much time only addressing the surface issues. I’m encouraging you today to enter the right battlefield and recognize that there is more going on in our lives than the surface issues. Don’t limit your struggle to the natural.
Take your stand/hold your ground against the schemes or methods (plans, art, skill, cunning, of the devil. What are the methods of the devil? . (Methods: the lie/deception(Father of all lies (John 8:44) -- , temptation (tempter – Matthew 4:3, 1 Thes. 3:5) , resulting in sin which then has a destructive impact). He tempts people towards evil through the lies, and then when they succumb to that temptation it results in sin – these choices are made – that is the cutting edge of the battle of spiritual warfare. Whenever we succumb to temptation and sin, we give ground to the enemy. Sin is the fulfillment of our enemies will for our lives. When we recognize the spiritual reality behind our struggles, you get to the root cause of the problem – not just the obvious symptoms of expressions of our problems.
The first step on the battlefield is making sure that you have put on the complete armor of God. Let’s be sure not to put it half way on – or to neglect any of the items listed here. Let’s look for areas we may be exposed, so that we will be able to When we “take our stand” in this way we are dealing with the source behind the issues that we struggle with. For example, when I get angry with someone I am being assaulted with the temptation to be vengeful, to hate, to wish harm upon that person. Those thought are parts of this battle, and when I act upon those thoughts, than this conflict becomes a place of victory for the enemy. But God has given us powerful tools so that we’re without excuse – we can be victorious in this struggle.
IV. Be armed and victorious!
Vss. 13-18
Be armed…
The metaphor of the armor is a powerful way of illustrating how we can stand victorious in this battle.
But remember – Paul is using a metaphor to describe how we fight this real battle. The metaphor is of a well equipped soldier. So these items are not mystical, invisible, spiritual clothes – if they are merely that than they will do you no good. They are descriptive of powerful behaviors that characterize the victorious Christian life.
Make sure your armor is complete (this is needed before you go into battle. It is the final step of preparation). Do this so that when the day of evil comes – when evil confronts you, tempts your or challenges you – you will be able to stand your ground, and the influence of evil will be stopped where you stand. The gossip ends with you. The backbiting ends with you. Destructive behaviors end with you. Greed ends with you. So after doing all the right things, you remain standing.
(Show and explain the belt) The Belt of Truth: Be truthful when it is easier to lie. If you wake up in the morning and pretend like you put on the belt of truth, but then yield to the temptation to lie, than that little exercise did you no good. Your behavior is what is really important. Victoriously hold your ground by being truthful, when lying/deceiving would be an easy cover up. The behaviors that correspond to this piece of armor and behaviors that express truth. Honesty.
The Smith’s were proud of their family tradition. Their ancestors had come to America on the Mayflower. Their line had included Senators, Pastors, & Wall Street wizards.Now they decided to compile a family history, a legacy for the children. They hired a well known author. Only one problem arose: how to handle that great-uncle George who was executed in the electric chair. But the author said not to worry, he could handle that section of history tactfully.When the book appeared, the family turned to the section on Uncle George.There, they read "George Smith occupied a chair of applied electronics at an important government institution, was attached to his position by the strongest of ties, & his death came as a real shock." We are often tempted to lie because of a fear of what people will think. We hide our secrets, and we try to make ourselves look better than we are and we quickly get ourselves into a lot of trouble. So let’s wear the belt of truth.
(Show the breastplate/flak jacket) The Breastplate of Righteousness: Doing right, when wrong is being rewarded. Victoriously hold your ground by doing right (where wrong is rewarded). To do the right thing is rarely the easy path. It is often not the politically correct path– but by developing a real history of right behaviors – including goodness, caring and serving – your life, your heart will be protected. When people are gossiping say something good.
(Feet): Good News Shoes: On your toes with the message of love and hope. Heavy-duty sandals, complete with shin guards and sometimes spikes on the soles (cleats). Be on your toes, prepared to share the hope and the good news of Jesus Christ. Are your ready? The message which you carry is the Good News that every person was created by God to be able to understand and to receive.
(Shield) The Shield of Faith: Choosing faithfulness when we are tempted. The Roman Soldier’s shield was…This shield is…Faith means that you can believing even when under attack. Be strong in your faith. Keep believing. Don’t be shaken. Be faithful, where unfaithfulness is a temptation. Your commitment to faithfulness will cause the fiery arrows of temptation to miss their mark. There are times when you will be a target for all kinds of temptations. Arrows are the deadly assaults launched and aimed at the vulnerable spaces in our armor – in our lives. Is the temptation that I am experiencing a pull towards unfaithfulness? Is it an expression of faith? Satan desires to kill, steal and destroy (John 10:10), but Jesus came that we might have life, and have it to the full.
(The helmet of salvation) A mind protected by a past, present and future salvation. Show the Roman helmets. Very heavy. Remember where you’ve come from and where you’re going. Let this be in the forefront of your mind and in your thoughts. We have a vital and essential dependency on God for salvation. Without this being in place, we are without hope. Salvation from what? Temptation. Condemnation. Danger. The thoughts of the greatness of salvation protect our minds from negative thoughts and lies. We STAND and block his influence. Where you have influence, you can make a positive difference.
(Sword of the Spirit.) Hebrews 4:12. Make the Word an indispensable part of your life. This is the only offensive weapon in your arsenal. Jesus set an example for us during His own temptation. Hebrews 4:12. 12For the word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart. It is made to deliver lethal blows while in close combat. Deals with the lies and the temptation. It is the source of truth.
Pray in the Spirit: Be alert and proactive in prayer. Then, although it is not given a metaphorical illustration, he concludes this passage with what I believe is another offensive weapon that could not be adequately described as another weapon. This is the challenge to pray, and keep on praying at all times, in the Spirit. This challenge stands alone at the end of this section. Don’t fall asleep. Be watchful, and keep praying not only for yourself, but also for all the saints. Pray for your church. Pray for your family. Pray for other believers.
STAND (Remain engaged in the battle) – Tell the story of the Vietnam War medal of honor recipient from Hill 488. holding his position. Keep fighting. So mothers – keep praying of your children and don’t give up on them. Singles who are lonely and are thinking about giving up on Christianity because it would be so much easier if you did – STAND. Fathers—Businessmen: -- Retired people – STAND.
Stop his methods
Standing isn’t going into battle wildly swinging the sword. But it is a picture of taking maintaining ground wherever you go. “Resist the devil and he will flee from you.” (James 4:7)
In what areas of your life do you need to be strong in the Lord and in His mighty power?
Ephesians 1:18-19 “I pray also that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in the saints, and his incomparably great power for us who believe.”
One time one of our National Leaders was arrested and put into prison. I went into the office of the very man who had ordered his arrest (in this case a cabinet level minister of government) ... to seek his release. It was a tense time...and, I learned something very important about standing up in the time of persecution. You simply must calm your heart and still your mind until every ounce of fear is overcome. When you are standing before the Enemy of your soul, if you have even one ounce of fear inside, you are a dead man walking.
Thanks Greg for the first-hand application -- Those of us who live here in American can scarcely identify with these challenges, but we do our best.
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