Monday, November 28, 2005

He Is No Fool

"He is no fool, to give the thing he cannot keep, to gain what he could never lose." Jim Elliot

It was these words, penned by martyred missionary Jim Elliot, that provided me with great encouragement, motivation and inspiration from 1987-1989. It was during these couple of years that I was counting "the cost" of becoming a pastor. Choosing the path of ministry looked foolish to outsiders. Why would you go to a small, obscure Bible College? How could you really believe this way? Why would you go somewhere without an athletics program? Why would you go somewhere where you'll have to work your way through school? How will you support yourself? Are you ready to live a life of poverty? What about what your friends and family and what they will think? Who's gotten into your head?

I was just a kid struggling with a call to ministry -- knowing I would disappoint people. Knowing I would be misunderstood and would potentially disillusion people who had invested dreams of their own in my life.

Yet I took hope in the promises of God. Matthew 19: 29 "And everyone who has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or children or fields for my sake will receive a hundred times as much and will inherit eternal life."

Looking back on the path I took, I have no regrets. It has been tough at times, but for the most part, it has been a wonderful experience -- each step of the way. There is so much to be thankful for: Great friends, close family, a wonderful church, the best wife and kids, the list goes on and on.

Yesterday I went and saw a preview of the movie, "The End of the Spear", which recounts the amazing redemptive continuation of the story of Jim Elliot and his four missionary friends who were killed in Ecuador 50 years ago. The movie will be released on January 20, 2006 -- and I would really recommend it.

Steve Saint will be at MissionsFest, Seattle. The movie is really his story -- recounting the loss of his father as a child on the mission field, and ending with the friendship of one of the warriors responsible for his loss. It is a great story, and you'll be able to hear him first hand in October. Our church is co-hosting this event.

May I encourage you again to let go of the things that keep you from pursuing God's best and His highest for your life.

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