My hope is that this webpage would be useful, thought provoking and a fun place to interact over important issues pertaining to ministry, as well as sharing more of my personal life with those that may be interested. Coming soon: Thoughts from Bangkok and Manila, sermon notes, and a cross country update.
Hey Matt--
I feel like this puts you on the bleeding edge... being a blogger. I'll look forward to reading it every day. Could you maybe include some heated rantings periodically? I think that would be fun to read. Possibly some pointed commentary on the foibles of society, too. Seriously, great idea. Glad you're doing it. Plus, it will give everyone a chance to critique your sermons! Blessings...
Okay, what am I doing out here? I was just looking for the place where I put my order at the teriayaki place.
Oh, this guy's a pastor, eh? He's preaching Ephesians 6... hmmmm.
Did he always obey his parents? Is he a slave master?
Is he always alert?
More importantly, what about me?
How do you order chopsticks with a to go order?
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