Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Favorite Things to do During a Boring Sermon

Please don't take this too seriously now...

But I would like to hear what the best ideas are that you have for occupying your time during a boring sermon (something that doesn't happen at EFC :)).
For example...balance your check book...make origami with bulletin inserts...etc.

I may end up sharing your ideas for a laugh during an upcoming sermon on James 1:22-25...


Anonymous said...

I make little flip book shows in the corner of my Bible. You should see the Bible I had in middle school.

Anonymous said...

I like to take naps or catch up on my Bible reading.

Anonymous said...

I like to take a visual survey of the rest of the congregation to see who is awake, who is sleeping, and who is looking around the room like me.

I also proofread the bulletin. Since I'm the guy who designs and prints it... I guess it's better late than never. :-)

Anonymous said...

Proofread the bulletin. Someone's got to make sure that Bob is doing his job. I also like to count how many bald men there are.

Anonymous said...

Learn to sleep while holding my head up (I got remarkeably good at this at our previous church).

Anonymous said...

When I was in my early high school years, I would imagine myself doing "wheelies" up the center aisle on a motorcycle.

Anonymous said...

normally i like to look and see how many women have their hair died or looks like its died or I start drawing in my life journal or i move around restlessly which is sort of a habbit

Anonymous said...

why don't you leave a negative comment in? Does it always have to be something that puts "one" in a good light?

Anonymous said...

pray the pastor hears the Holy Spirit and teaches with fire. there wouldn't be any question of what to do if we hear what God has to say to us thru our preachers.

Matt said...

Dear "anonymous" -- Only 3 comments have ever been deleted from this blog to date -- two were mistakenly repeated postings of the exact same comment (I left one of them -- so it wouldn't say the same thing 3x). The other deleted comment didn't pertain to the particular blog and was a personal message that should have have been emailed to me. Thanks for your input and taking time to read this and for participating in this blog! I pray that the HS is working in your life in a great way!