Have you ever felt like God has answered your "sports" prayers as an athlete? How about as a parent of a son or daughter who is competing? How about as a fan? (Will the city of Seattle be spending more time praying during the next week?)
I think it is intriguing to think about God hearing prayers from "both sides of the line." An athlete who believes in God will definitely be praying about their "event". God cares about every detail of our lives. I'd be interested in hearing your thoughts.
I prayed for the Packers. :( What happened?
It must happen all the time where people are praying for opposite things. One prays for rain, another for sun. Beats me.
God is working in the heart of those who are praying -- win or lose, He wants to see them trust Him more. He wants to encourage them and reveal Himself to them.
Before a race I always talked to God as my "coach" -- prayerfully contemplating my strategy and seeking direction. A plan would often quickly shape. I never felt like I was given supernatural ability as a result of prayer, but I always felt His presense. I always tried to make my races "expressions of worship" to Him -- whether I won or lost.
I think that God listens and answers all of our prayers. They may not be answered in the way that we think they should, but they are answered none-the-less.
I think that athletes who pray for strength, a sharp mind, and safety for themselves, their teammates, and their competition are on the right track.
I have never prayed for a sport event, probably because I have rarely been in one. But I would similarly pray for music events. I would pray before concerts. I’m not in the habit now because I don’t practice like I used to but I once had a notes posted on my bass case to remind me “Pray to Play” and another that read “Play to Pray.” They just reminded me that any talent I had was given to me from God and that playing was a way for me to worship Him.
I prayed for the packers too - and guess what, God showed me (hehe) that the Seahawks are the new Packers! Homlgren, Hasslebeck. think about it. It brings me comfort to still be routing for the Packers, just using their new name - Seahawks. Go Green Bay!!
'We'll Pray That They Win'
February 1, 2006
By John Sharify
SEATTLE - We pray.
And then, if everything works out the way we hope, those prayers are answered.
Which brings us to Sunday's Super Bowl. When the Seahawks play, many of us will do in our living rooms what we usually do in church.
We'll pray.
So the Pastor of the Maltby Christian Assembly Church figured if people were going to pray anyway, why not invite them to the church, so people could cheer together. And yes, pray together:
They'll watch the biggest football game in Seattle history, on two 13-foot projection screens in the sanctuary.
"Yeah, we'll pray that they win," says Cheri Kratz. She'll be going to the Maltby Church Sunday afternoon. She's picked out her seat. "Front row, center".
When photographer Brad Baker and I arrived at the church, we saw two cable guys making sure the pastor will be able to receive Sunday's game from the heavens.
Let us pray!
"They'll be praying. I mean I don't know if God takes sides in the Super Bowl," David Brakke says with a laugh. Brakke is Senior Pastor at the church.
And for those who can't wait 'till Sunday to pray, they can get a little head start at Seattle's St. James Cathedral.
Friday night at 6:30 p.m., Father Ryan will hold a prayer service. He says a "Great football team can remind a city of its call to greatness."
Greatness. Great word. Perfect word to describe the Seahawks, win or lose.
I heard they had a prayer service last night for the Seahawks. People were there that hadn't been to church in years...ha ha.
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