Thursday, March 02, 2006

The Monday Church, Taking it to the Streets, and Mexico

Perhaps this is a random blog, but it has a lot to do with things that are "happening" right now at Eastside Foursquare Church and in my own life...

Early this week our entire staff met for some meetings where we wrestled with some important questions about "Church", presented by Jim Hayford:

"Would it be possible for people who attend EFC to experience the highest caliber of spiritual ministry for themselves and every member of their family while they are on our campus but also come to understand that what they experience there is not the Main Event?

Could we learn how to consistently convey that it is more like bookends at the beginning and ending of a week of ministry?

How many of our people understand and live this now?

If the church is people, what do you have to give and how would you give it if the lights went out? What do you have to offer the people of God, EFC as a group and the community at large that brings to them true power?

Discuss and list ways EFC can better equip and release people to actually do the work of the ministry."

Please comment with any answers you have to the above questions.

This Sunday Jerry Cook will be meetings with udiscussicuss his newest book: The Monday Morning Church. This will happen at LeaderNet (our quarterly gathering of the leaders of EFC). This book is a call to "move out of the Sanctuary and into the streets".

This past Saturday our two children returned from a week-long mission in Puerto Penasco, Mexico. I think it was one of the best weeks of their lives. They went with a group of others Junior High'ers from our church and they worked hard all week long -- and they had a blast doing it. Now they're trying to get used to the routine of school and the teenage dramas that consume day to day life here in America. They are both experiencing a bit of reverse culture shock right now.

All this serves as a reminder that you have something to give --- you can make a difference. If we can just slow down from the self-consuming nature of our jobs and lives long enough to recognize this truth.

This is my challenge and my struggle. It's one a struggle I will not abandon.

1 comment:

stevececil said...

In response to Jim's questions...

"...also come to understand that what they experience there is not the Main Event?"

I believe that this is not only possible, but it is vital for us as spiritual leaders to figure this out. The future of the church in America is depending on this. The percentage of people attending church today is less than it has ever been in the history of our country, and I believe much of it has to do with the issues Jim is referring to.

From Jim - "Could we learn how to consistently convey that it is more like bookends at the beginning and ending of a week of ministry?"

I believe this is possible too, but I believe that this has to be led by church leadership. When we begin to focus more attention on the Monday-Saturday, I believe our congregants will follow.

From Jim - "How many of our people understand and live this now?"

I believe people intellectually understand it, but there are few models for them to follow that are actually living it out. So, I think people know what to do, but not neccessarily how to do it.

From Jim - "If the church is people, what do you have to give and how would you give it if the lights went out? What do you have to offer the people of God, EFC as a group and the community at large that brings to them true power?"

Modeling. Jesus modeled everything he asked his disciples to do. I really believe that people need to see their spiritual leaders doing ministry "on the road," Out of the four walls of the church.

From Jim - "Discuss and list ways EFC can better equip and release people to actually do the work of the ministry."

1. Look at the bulletin - how many things listed are for church people to do things with other church people? How many things are ministry opportunities towards the community from the church? Create opportunities.

2. How much time do we spend promoting services, preparing for services, and in services? How much time do we spend "on the road?" Get out of our offices.

3. When we ask people to serve at our church when they become members, shoudl we rather ask them to serve their own community in some way? Expect community service from members.

4. Prepare a month of service, with daily ideas that congregants can participate in(bring donuts to work, offer to help neighbor with yard-work, take a co-worker to lunch, etc). Give a daily prayer focus & Scripture meditation. Do this together as a congregation and see what God can do.

5. Have every staff member tithe their time to be in the community, rather than focusing on all the things that need to be done at the church facility.

These are a few thoughts and ideas. I love that these questions are being asked. I pray for you guys! Please keep praying for us - we need it!