Solitude is sometimes defined as a spiritual discipline -- as a way to create space in one's life for God. Solitude allows our hearts and minds to be still and quiet. It is in the quietness that we can gain perspective on life and perhaps even hear the still small voice of God. In the Bible the places of solitude were often referred to as the wilderness. Moses spent time there (and on the mountain), John the Baptist lived there, Jesus withdrew there, Paul spent significant time there (in the desert) and there are many other examples. For this reason, I give myself permission to intentionally get away, quiet my mind, and be renewed. With that in mind I set out today for Dirty Harry Peak, just East of Mt. Sai:
The weather was perfect today. My choice of climbs was a small mountain or butte called "Dirty Harry Peak". It seemed a like a safe winter climb that would provide me with a good workout .
This climb ended up being everything I had hoped for. It was a rugged and steep climb, but didn't require snowshoes and also didn't pose and threat of avalanches.
I was able to summit and return to my car in just under 3 hours. I always wondered why it was called "Dirty Harry Peak". To learn why you can read the article that I have linked HERE.
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