What does it take to keep moving forward and upward? I've never been able to be idle for long -- it is against my very nature. I have a zest for risk, exploration, new challenges, and am a bit of an adrenaline junkie. I have more interests than I have time to entertain. I think this is my challenge -- keeping focused on what really matters. Lately we've been especially busy getting settled into a new home. It has been quite a distraction for the past eight weeks.
Last week I took the photos that are on this page. The photo was a difficult one to take. To get to that spot I spent 3 hours running, crossing streams, route-finding, finding my way across brittle, deep, wet snow. The snow hadn't thawed so finding the trail was periodic and difficult. Losing the trail under the unmelted snow and having no tracks to follow made for slow and treacherous progress. My leg show the marks of stepping through a hollow snow pocket and banging my shin on a log.
This hike/run reminds me of life - we sometimes lose our way and things can get tough. Perhaps we can keep going in the right direction, but we long for a clear path.
Back to my first question: What does it take to keep moving forward and upward? Well, we have to keep taking steps, and it helps to keep on a good path. After our recent "move" (from Lynnwood to Bothell), I feel like I am again back on a path that is much more enjoyable. Moving is about the most disrupting thing a person can experience. But now that we are settled in life is becoming a bit more routine -- It is far from boring, but it has some basic elements that are the steps of life that keep me moving forward-- consistent study, journaling, time with family and prayer. I have a stack of books next to my computer that I am again reading. I also have re-engaged my Bible reading and study plan. I feel like I'm making better progress once again.
I look forward to tomorrow and I can't wait to see what is around the next corner. This journey is an adventure! So keep taking the steps that work for you -- sometimes you may lose the path but focus on your values and find return to the path.
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