Back Home --
November 15th
(photos from Tues)
Tuesday and Wednesday completed a valuable missions experience for all of us. On Tuesday morning we visited the Payatas dump site as well as three of the UCPP churches. Each visit was inspiring in its own way. The first stop was Fred and Myra Valenzuela's place of ministry -- Luzon Ave. Foursquare -- where they minister to well over 200 people each week. This is a thriving work and they have a vision to continue to grow and impact their community. We also stopped by Pastora Tess Teliki's where a fire ravaged the community in May. It was great to see the rebuilt homes (thanks to a grant from Eastside Foursquare Church) and to witness the incredible favor that pastor has in that community. This church as well has far outgrown its facility.
A few things I came home with: First -- I witnessed the sustainability of this project and these churches as many have gone on without financial support and are doing well. These church plants are first and foremost Foursquare Churches (not just UCPP churches) -- we are just helping them get started. This was encouraging to me because it shows how church planting among the poor can be done effectively with some limited help from a church like ours. Secondly, I was greatly encouraged by the leadership that is carrying this project in the Philippines. I left with renewed admiration and encouragement coming from their ownership and pride in this ministry. Finally, I saw the value of a "Manila Plunge" -- this was far more than a tour -- it was a life changing and project impacting mission trip. The Filipino's were blessed, encouraged and ministered to. And each team member gave 100% of themselves to this experience, and came home with more than they could give.
The flight home was the best I've ever had -- I slept most of the way so it went by quicker than I thought was possible. Everyone on the team stayed healthy throughout the trip. New friendships were forged and our world-view was once again expanded.
Monday -- Day 6
Ministry in the churches went great yesterday. Every team member came back with great stories to tell and excitement in their hearts. We were honored to be a part of the Capital Foursquare's 39th Anniversary celebration in the evening. Matt Simmons did a great sax solo, and 7 of the UCPP churches were gathered there. We met with Dr. Jun Ferrez and President Val Chavez. Then today we took the Task Force to Corrigador Island. The weather was perfect (hot). We went back to Pete and Tina Forras' house for our team wrap up. Here are some more new photos: Click here.
Day 4: The typhoon did not hit today in spite of the warning. Our trip to Corrigador was cancelled because of the threat, so we ended up just having a luncheon with the Task Force and their wives. We will try for Corrigador again on Monday.
Here are pictures from yesterday. Be sure to check them out -- they are a compilation from our entire team.
I am encouraged to see these churches growing and making a difference in their communities and in the lives of many many people.
Tomorrow we will be going different directions to minister in seven different services around Manila. Please pray for our team as they preach and bless these churches. This is a great team to lead and things couldn't be going better. Thanks for caring enough to read this (and pray for us).
Day Three: Today we had a powerful day of ministry. Tomorrow we are taking 27 leaders along with us to Corrigador. Pray that the storm stays aways and that we have a great time blessing these leaders.
Day Two:
I am writing on Friday morning here in Manila.
You can view photos from yesterday by clicking here.
Yesterday was real great day as we visited three different UCPP projects. The leaders were inspiring and the team members all seemed deeply impacted. Thank you for your prayers as this team seems to be really doing well -- they are serving, responding, caring, praying and embracing this opportunity will full enthusiasm. Our devotional times have been powerful and I look forward to each day of this trip.
Pray for us as a tropical storm appears to be headed this way. We want to visit Corrigador Island tomorrow and will be taking 30 Filipino pastors/leaders -- but if the storm hits I'm not sure what we'll do.
I'm late for breakfast -- pictures speak a thousand words so be sure to see the photos. Thanks to Bob Horn for getting everyone's memory cards and downloading them for us.
Day One
p.m. -- Wednesday
Today we had a historic tour of the city of Manila. It's 9:10 p.m. here and I am about to call it a night. Tomorrow we will begin visiting the UCPP churches. Everyone is healthy and is getting along well. Last night another couple joined our team from Chicago where they pastor a Foursquare Church. As a team we had some strong times of intercessory prayer for the people of Manila --probably the best experience was from the American Cemetery where you have a panoramic view of the city. -- Hopefully tomorrow I will also be able to post some photos.
a.m. After our seemingly endless flight, we arrived in Manila in good spirits. Besides a few bumps, the flight was uneventful. It's 5:25 a.m. here in Manila and this is my first morning here. I couldn't sleep very well so I got up to catch up on emails . They had lots of movies on the plane including Tokoyo Drift, Click, ??? & DuPree, the Lake House and Superman. Still, I didn't watch any of them but instead focused on sleeping and reading.
After getting to our hotel we had a nice dinner where we heard all about the project. Mars and Nellie Rodriguez along with Pete and Tina Forras were there and gave us a clear overview and update. By the late afternoon the jet lag was catching up with us, but we forced ourselves to stay up until at least 8 p.m. Some of us got some exercise and went to a nearby mall. Today we have a full schedule of activities starting at 7:30 a.m.
Thank-you for your prayers! Click here to see more photos.
15 of us will be travelling to Manila November 5-15.
Please stop by this site for updates from our team.
We are meeting at Seatac at 10:30 p.m. this Sunday night.
Please pray for our team while we are travelling. I submit to you the following suggestions as points of prayer:
1. Pray for the team
Pray for the members by name
Pray over our schedule
Pray for team safety and unity
Pray for a life hanging experience for each team member
Pray that God would use each team member in a powerful way
Pray for boldness as we step outside our comfort zone(s)
Pray for health
2. Pray for the project
Pray for the leaders of the UCPP
Pray that our visits would have an encouraging and powerful impact
Pray that the ministry that we engage in will be fruitful and powerful
Pray for our hosts, Missionaries Pete and Tina Forras as well as Mars Rodriguez
Team members:
Matt Messner
Matt Simmons
Chuck Shocki
George Jones
Elizabeth Jones
Gary Hays
Paula Hays
Nathan Henry
Gary Jurgensen
Bob Horn
Patrick Busche
Leslie German
Erin Edwards
Janis Jones
Tresa Morrow
1 comment:
Wow! How nice to run into your blog. My daughter Shirlena Freund used to attend your church and sang there. Her husband Josh played guitar there. They are now living in Snohomish and are worship leaders at their church there. I attended Fuller, did mission work in the inner city and am semi retired now. God Bless your ministry!
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