We have a tendency to mystify prayer. This tendency creates a barrier between people and God. We forget that God is "omnipresent" (always there). A good relationship with God (which is what the message of Christianity is all about) is characterized by good communication. It can be spontaneous, subconscious, a part of our thought process. It can include the expression of all of our emotions which words cannot describe. It can include questions, demands, doubts, laughter and praise. It can become a stream of consciousness that may reflect the writer's intent in 1 Thessalonians 5:17 when he wrote, "Pray without ceasing." Regarding this aspect of prayer Martin Luther wrote, "There is no Christian who does not have time to pray without ceasing...if he will he can, while working, speak with God in his heart, lay before Him his need and that of other men, ask for help, make petition, and in all this exercise and strengthen his faith." Our prayer lives cannot be judged by time. So begin and continue a conversation with God! When we pray, the heart and the conscience must not pull away from God because of our sins and our unworthiness, or stand in doubt, or be scared away. When we pray we must hold fast and believe that God has heard our prayer. It was for this reason that the ancients defined prayer as an Ascensus mentis ad Deum, "a climbing up of the heart to God."
See the above link for a blog that is devoted to prayer, written by Joey Bonifacio, pastor of a dynamic church in Manila, Philippines. At Eastside, Pastor Jim Hayford has just began a series of messages on prayer.
The above link isn't working. Like your thoughts and have been making a more conscious effort at praying more throughout the day/night.
I fixed the link now. Thanks for the heads up Pete. I appreciated that conversation Pete and am glad to see that you've really seen growth in that area of your pray life.
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