Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Tuesday in Manila

We had some great training yesterday -- going over personal values, core values and vision. Today we continue to take the church planting teams further along the road of having a well thought through strategy and vision. I found out today I'll be speaking on Friday night at the final "commissioning" service. I'm looking forward to it and was able to give it some thought and prayer when I woke up this morning at 4 a.m. thanks to jet lag. A group of guys were up at 5:15 a.m. to go play basketball. I joined them for a fun morning workout. Still no baggage, so no photos. Pray for the health of the workers here as many seem to be battling a flu bug. Thanks, Matt


Anonymous said...

What's the maximum number of days a pastor can preach in the same clothes before the congregation begins to notice?

Matt said...

My luggage is here! Hey -- most of the pastors here only have one or two sets of clothes so I fit right in.

Tim Oas said...

Yes!!! I could fit in then too!

Anonymous said...

Actually, it doesn't matter if you are wearing the same clothes everyday. There's no wrong with that. We understand his situation at that time, and by the way, I'm one of the paticipants there... Hope that you still recognize me!