Tonight we had a shocking and sad interruption -- Tucker was hit by a car and killed. It happened suddenly and he died as Levi, Alicia and I pet him at the side of the road. He was about eight years old.
It was one of those moments where we had people coming and going out of our house and he found his way out the door and into the street. I felt terrible for the lady who hit him. She and her daughter were in tears along with us.
He was a lot like family to us -- He was part of the litter of my brother's dog, Daisy. My parents have one of Tucker's brothers - Buster.
He was a great athlete -- enjoying trail runs and mountain climbs deep into the wilderness. Some people said he resembled a mountain goat!
He had a definite personality -- super energetic, friendly and an entertainer. He was a very popular dog with anyone that visited our house. He will be missed!

Messner family, our hearts are saddened with you. Tucker was an awesome dog! Kyle and Bethany loved playing with him (very funny memories with Bethany and Tucker, remember?!). Blessings to you all. We will miss that crazy white mountain goat-dog, too! :-(
Sorry and saddened by this news Matt. My condolences. -Kendall
In honor of Tucker a donation has been made to Best Friends Animal Society..
I will miss having someone to play fletch and tug-of-war. -Roberta
that suxs. i may have joked, but I liked that little ball of energy.
Matt, so sorry for your loss. Liz is the dog lover in our household, but through her (and what it was like for her when her Wiemaraner died back in '99) I can understand what a blow that must be.
Thanks everyone for your kind and sensitive words. It means a lot to us!
I loved crazy little Tucker. Two weeks ago, I had him laid across my lap. He just loved to be loved, in that puppy-dog way. And he got tons of love in the Messner home. I'll miss him.
Matt, you and your family gave that ball of fuss,energy and affection about as perfect a life as a dog could have. You're The Best!
Hey Messner's -- So sorry to hear about Tucker. Loved your Tribute to him. Hugs to you all.
sorry for the loss of Tucker guys. Averie was just talking the other day about "Heidi's little white dog who is nice". - Ben
Sorry about your dog Matt. :(
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