Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Mount Dickerman - April 30th, 2007

Today Levi and I headed up Mountain Loop Highway destined for Mount Dickerman.
It is a climb that I attempted once last year during the winter but was turned back by poor conditions.
Levi seemed eager for a challenge -- especially one that included snow and big mountains.
So we set out, leaving our house shortly after 6 a.m.
The weather was perfect and the challenge of this climb was right at our level. Ice axes were critical as we crossed some very steep traverses. "One careful step at a time" is always my mantra. This climb is 4 miles each way and the summit is at about 5700 feet of altitude.
The summit was lined with dramatic cornices. We had stellar views of Big Four, Glacier Peak, Mt. Forgotten and Mt. Baker. We glissaded down, and hiked out - back to the trailhead after six hours of hiking and climbing. I think Levi is hooked. Now he is eager to do 3 Fingers.

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