It's good to be home...I was wondering if we would ever make it.
After arriving at the Manila airport a good 2 1/2 hours early, I made may way through the gauntlet of security checkpoints (being frisked, x-rayed, searched 4x on the way to the gate), I was rounded up in a small area with the 300+ other travellers waiting to board our 747 bound for San Francisco.
Heidi met me there, having arrived at the airport from Bangkok.
Twice the power went out in the terminal as we waited for boarding -- outside the rain was dumping down and lighting and thunder punctuated the skies. Our flight was scheduled to depart at 10:30 p.m.
At 10:30 we were still sitting outside the gate waiting to start boarding.
It was then that we were told the flight had been CANCELLED. Our "new flight" would be leaving the next day, at noon. They said it was a mechanical problem.
To make up for the inconvenience we were going to be bussed to a "five star" hotel where we would spend the night and be fed, before returning to the airport. Too bad all our our luggage was already checked in...and too bad that this would impact our connecting flights.
Heidi and I made the most of it but we were eager to get home in time for our son's 14th birthday, which was the next day. The hotel was nice and the food was good, but it was little comfort for the hassle.
9 a.m. -- The next morning (Wednesday). We arrive at the airport and make our way through the security gauntlet one more time.
Noon -- This is when our flight is supposed to leave. No announcement has been made regarding boarding. Our connecting flight from San Francisco has been confirmed but was based on us leaving Manila at noon.
1:30 p.m. -- Boarding begins.
2:00 p.m. -- We leave...When we arrive at SF we realize now we might miss our connection.
I also find out the Philippine Airlines (PAL) actually stands for Planes Always Late.
Sure enough, after arriving in SF we have to clear customs. This is a slow process. Then we make our way from International to Domestic. By the time we get our boarding passes it is too late to make the 12:45 flight. They confirm us on a 6:30 p.m. flight....
We stand-by at 3:30 and manage to get the two last seats...
Arrive in Seattle at 6:15 p.m. -- Celebrate Levi's birthday that night at 8:30 p.m.
It's good to be home -- It only took 40 hours from the time I began making my way to the Manila airport.
Do you feel my pain? This is the joy of international travel -- an industry that reminds us that we really are not in control.
1 comment:
Another story to add to your missions marketing materials! If anyone knows how to "sell" the missions experience and paint a rosy picture of foreign field evangelism, it's Pastor Matt. We love it!
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