The worship at convention has been the best thing so far. I have always enjoyed Tommy Walker. The messages though, have been interesting for sure. All the speakers (besides Jack Hayford) are Jewish and they all seem to have the common theme of trying to convince everyone of the importance of Israel in God's agenda for human history (as well as the present time). This is definitely a different theme for convention than I have heard in the past. I agree from my study of Romans that Israel is important and the people of Israel should be valued by all believers...but the two main speakers so far have gone further than that. One spoke of a 2nd Pentecost that will come which will REALLY fulfill the prophesy of Joel. The other said until we win over Israel (first), the Spirit of God will not be poured out on all flesh. These are just a couple comments that were made, but the theology is definitely different than my own. I believe in the historic Pentecost and its implications. I believe our challenge today is to walk in Spirit now -- and that all is now available to us if we would just come to understand who we are in Christ. The messages here seem to not be a development of any particular Scripture or passage, but rather a conglomeration ideas and Scriptures. Have I said too much? Anyhow, I will continue to glean as much as I can and have also enjoyed the fellowship. There are 2000 people who are a part of the convention and the tours.
This morning I ran around the walls of Jerusalem. It was a great way to start the day, watching the surise over the Mount of Olives. Blessing to all of you....
A lot has gone on since I last updated my blog. Right now I am in Jerusalem and the opening session of convention is starting. After three days of tourning we now settle into the main purpose of our trip here. The highlights of the past two days exploring the caves of the Dead Sea Scrolls (This was not a normal part of the tour, but four of us made our way to the cliffs and scrambled around until we found several amazing caves. Some were tunnels that came back out. Others were large and had bats living inside of them). Today I skipped the gondola ride and opted to hike and run up and down Masada, and last night we explored the back streets of Old Jerusalem (including the Western Wall) at night. Here are some photos. We are anticipating a great convention. It has been great seeing friends from Foursquare churches around the country. Yes, it has been hot – but we again are thankful for the opportunity to represent Eastside Foursquare Church here. There are many churches from Washington here and it has been good visiting with those Pastors especially. 

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