Do you enjoy reading the Psalms?
Have someone in your group read a Psalm out loud.
What is it that you enjoy about reading or hearing the Psalms?
The Psalms are wonderful to read, but do not forget that they are songs and are therefore also poetry – meant to be sung. Singing stirs the emotions.
They also deal with almost every emotion the believer encounters in life; anguish, fear, joy, anger, sorrow, hope, penitence over sin, joy over grace, and thanksgiving (to name just a few). Furthermore, God is presented as having emotions as well.
We know the authors from the titles. Of the 150 Psalms, all but 34 have titles, and of the 116 titles, 100 of them name the author. Titles also include musical information, titles, etc.
David authored many (73) of them, and is also thought to have compiled the collection of them. His name is referenced in the headings of 72 of the Psalms.
David was a musician and a poet.
Discuss: What do you learn about David from each of these passages? What do you learn about the writing of the Psalms?
1 Samuel 16:17-23, 2 Sam 1:17-27, 22:1-51, 23:1-7.
A study of the life of David through the Psalms would make an interesting study. I feel like I am often reading his journal. I think we really are. I don’t believe he was always thinking about writing a song as much as he was about just pouring his heart out before God. But his life story, for an intimate perspective, can be gained as one reads the Psalms. David the Shepherd, David the wanted man, angry, repenting, broken, celebrating. I feel like I am reading his heart.
Associated with the organization of worship (Ezra 3:10 – quote, Nehemiah 12:24-, 1 Chronicles 15:16-29)
Other authors include:
Asaph (50, 73-83) One of David’s chief musicians – see 1 Chron. 6:39, 15:17
Sons of Korah (42, 44-49, 84-85, 87) – Temple singers who collected the Psalms – see 2 Chr. 20:19
Solomon (72, 127)
Moses (90)
As was the case in the book of Proverbs, we see Psalms repeated. This reflects that fact that Psalms is a collection of collections of Psalms (14 and 53, 40:13-17 and 70; 108:1-5 and 57:7-11; 108:6-13 and 60:5-12.
Authors, not to be confused with the editor – the editor is the person or persons who would have collected and organized the psalms. The Psalms are further divided into smaller collections which the editor would have taken and placed into the 5 book format and then woven them together to produce this book.
The Psalms were written over a span of hundreds of years. A copy was found with the Dead Sea Scrolls, leading most scholars to agree that they were compiled (edited) prior to the 2nd Century B.C. Jesus and the NT writers saw the Psalms as authoritative. Psalms was recognized at the council of Jamnia in AD 90.
Used in the temple worship at Solomon’s Temple, the Second Temple and in Herod’s Temple.
They were used in Jewish synagogues and homes
They were recited by pilgrims coming to Jerusalem to observe Passover
They were frequently used by the Dead Sea scroll community
They were quoted by Jesus and even sung by him at the Last Supper (Ps. 113-118 – this group of Psalms, called the Hallel, were sung at the feasts of Passover, Weeks, Tabernacles, and Dedication. At Passover, Ps 113-114 are sung before the meal and Ps 115-118 are sung after it. Matt. 26:30 and Mark 14:26 reference that Jesus and the Disciples sung a hymn after the Last Supper.
Meditated on while on the cross (Ps. 22:1)
Quoted when He died (Ps 31:5)
Paul advised the singing of Psalms to the early churches (Eph 5:19, Col 3:16)
Along with Isaiah, Psalms is the most frequently quoted OT book, in the NT.
Simply, they are guidebooks of worship and devotion. (Reference handout 353)
They are written to assist us in our highest calling – to love the Lord our God with all our heart, soul, mind and strength.
Titles: Associations to the authors, the type of psalm, musical directions, names of the melodies, or the liturgical use the Psalm.
Poetic Structure of Psalms
Rhythm: A sequence of words that are stressed (3+2, 3+3 etc.)
“Here my prayer, O God;
give ear to the words of my mouth”
Poetic Structure of Psalms
Parallelism: The lines or parts of lines have a particular relationship to each-other
3 Types of Parallelism
Hear this, all peoples!
Give ear, all inhabitants of the world
For the Lord knows the way of the righteous,
But the way of the wicked will perish
I cry aloud to the Lord,
and He answers me from his holy hill
Acrostics (Psalm 119)
Types of Psalms
3 General Categories:
Praise Psalm
Lament (74, 83 – national; individual – 13, 5, 51)
Wisdom Psalm: 1, 37, 39, 49, 73
Psalm 22 is a combination of a lament and a praise psalm.
Laments almost always begin with the vocative “O Lord…”
Why is bringing out of the darker emotions a critical element in the worship of God? (Discuss)
By being open to God, He is then able to bring resolution to the conflicting thoughts that when oppressed will continue to torment us – see Psalm 73:16.
Praise psalms generally begin with the imperative: Sing to the Lord, etc.
Laments follow a consistent pattern including the elements of complaint, petition, confession of trust and vow of praise.
Some can be more obscure, including wisdom psalms, doxology, Royal Psalms, cry for help…
Other Types of Psalms:
Hymns: For the whole congregation (Ps 105). Includes victory songs (Ps 68), processional hymns (sung by worshipers coming into the temple area – Ps 24), Zion songs (Ps 48), songs of the Lord’s reign (which all being with the term the Lord reigns) (Ps 99), hallelujah hymns (which begin or end with those words (Ps 146), and antiphonal hymns (chant/response hymns (Ps 136)).
Royal Psalms: Centered on the king
Torah Psalms
Group activity…Identify each of these: a lament, a song of thanksgiving, a hallelujah psalms, and a wisdom Psalm...Give them the Psalms and have them match them up. Who can come up with the most correct matches – your table will win a prize.
Then, handout 26/27
Psalms is divided into five books: 1-41, 42-72, 73-89, 90-106, 107-150.
At the end of each of these books, except for the 5th one, there is a doxology, or a statement of praise. However, Ps 150, may be itself considered to be a doxology. The book of Psalms is divided into five collections or books – a possible intentional division designed to parallel the five books of the Torah. Divided by its closing doxological verses in Ps. 41:13, 72:18-19, 89:52, 106:48, 150:1-6.
Collections may have been organized as Psalms of David, Asaph, the sons of Korah, and the 15 songs of ascents, and the 15 Hallelujah Psalms.
How to Read the Psalms
Read them as prayers to God, and ask, “Could I pray this prayer?”
“Have I felt these feelings?”
What feelings are in me as I read these words?
Read them as “therapy” for the soul
Rather than trying to cover up our weaknesses, bring them to God, who alone has the power to heal
Read them as a “summons” to praise
Allow the content of the words to realign our inner attitudes
When the ancient Hebrews encountered something beautiful or majestic, their natural response was not to analyze it, but rather to praise God for it.
Read them as an “invitation” to God-inviting Him to be involved in every area of your world
David assumed that the details of his life mattered to God-and he called God to come through
The psalms contain the anguished journals of people who want to believe in a loving, gracious, faithful God while the world keeps falling apart around them.
There is a process to be learned of “letting God in” on every detail of life. Somehow, David and the other poets managed to make God the gravitational center of their lives so that everything related to God.
Learning from the Psalms: Writing your own Psalm
Choose a type of Psalm. Use alliteration. Address God. Express emotion. Be honest.
Matt- here is a Psalm that I wrote from your School of the Bible teaching.
HELP- A Lament
God, darkness surrounds me in the midst of life
It closes in and it seems like I can't run
I'm too scared to yell, to sad to cry,
I sit in a room full of people utterly alone
It seems as if I've turned away from You
Following my own ambition instead of Yours
The world would say I'm doing well,
Even church family say I'm on track
I feel as if I'm farther away tha I've ever been
Will you save me? Will you take away this pain?
Wrap me in your arms and take me away from this world
I'm tired of hurting, tired of feeling unfulfilled
The closer I come and the more I strive the farther I seem from You and Your presence
This sucks! I don't know if I can carry on this burden and target that I have on my back
Will you help me?
I trust you Lord and I know that You will save me
You are a God of power and strength, and You can carry me
Empower me through Your Spirit, and I will lift up Your name
I love the honesty of "Help". It reminds me of a true lament with really contemporary language. I wonder how the Hebrews put their complex laments to music? It would be difficult for us to do today.
Which Way?
I think I am leaving the wilderness.
Light is breaking through.
Excitement is rising as faith and hope converge with signs of His deliverance.
Then a crossroad appears.
Both paths appeal.
One goes straight. The other is a new direction.
I don’t care which way to go – I just want the right path.
God, with you there is one way, right?
God, sort through the circumstances and the battles and see that my heart is true.
You are faithful. You call. There is nothing I desire, besides Your way.
This is no game – in your kingdom there are consequences for our choices.
Be King – rule, reign, deploy, direct and lead.
My trust is in you. I stand at the crossroads and I wait.
I wait on you and I will not be shaken.
You will lead and I will follow when you begin to walk.
The Psalm of a Single Girl
O, Lord, my God,
I’m tired of being alone
And I’m beginning to hate the fact
No one is waiting for me at home
Couples and families surround me
While I sit at a table for one
Although I know they don’t think less of me
I can’t help but feel a bit shunned
And every night I lay me down
In my very narrow twin bed
God, this isn’t the vision of thirty-three
I had dreamt in my head
I think I’m smart, talented and witty
And I’ve got dimples in my cheeks
Apparently, however, that isn’t enough
‘Cause my prospects are oh so bleak
And yet again next weekend
I will don a bridesmaid’s dress
Is it too much to wish and hope
There’s an eligible Christian gent among the guests
So I’ll wear a smile and stand tall
As my five foot stature will allow
To pity and to desperation
This girl’s spirit will not bow
Oh Lord, in my singleness
Let me ever trust in You
May Your glory and grace be evident
Until that blessed day I say, “I do!”
Lord, I humbly come before you. Lord, with all praise and worship I come to honor you and glorify your name. Lord, I humbly raise my hands to worship and adore you. Your fame is resplendent in all the earth. Everywhere I turn your glory fills the earth. Everything and everyone cry out: “Holy, Holy, Holy,” is the Lord.
Lord, I humbly acknowledge that I can do NOTHING apart from you, and that I belong to you. You are my life, my breath, my hope, my past, my present and my future. Only you Jesus can satisfy my longing and desire. You are the great I am, who was and is and is to come. You are here in my heart, my mind, my soul, you rule and reign in my life. You are seated above all the heavens and earth. You have me inscribed in the palm of your hands. Surely, goodness and mercy will follow me all the days of my life.
Lord, I love you and I am forever grateful to you for choosing me, saving me, for healing me, for loving me and living within me. I have a continual feast of gratitude and thanksgiving. I will never cease to praise you, thank you and love you. You are my life!!!!!
I know that each day you bless me and favor me with more of you. That’s just what I want and always more! I can never get enough of you!!! Your word draws me, your truth amazes me, your spirit empowers me and your mighty love humbles me.
You are just too wonderful for me. I embrace you. I inhale your presence, I bask in your light, I gaze at the beauty of your majestic splendor and I stand in AWE of you. Amen
My King
Praise Your Holy Name
You are my King and I exalt you on high
Lord of Heaven and Earth
You are My King
You call me into Your presence;forI am Your daughter
I bow down and worship You
Oh! Lord for You are my King
Holy is Your name and worthy to be praised!
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