The popularity of The Da Vinci Code has created a lot of discussion among Chrisitians and non-Christians alike. With the movie being released on May 19th, these discussions will continue.
Some see the book/movie as a threat to Christianity. Although it is a fiction, some feel it may cause some to fall away from faith.
Others see this as an opportunity -- An opportunity to talk to people about what is TRUE. An opportunity to better educate Christians about what they believe and why. (This is how we will be approaching the release of the movie -- we are planning a training event, a couple of proactive/responsive sermons, and an outreach event on opening weekend).
Still others feel this is a non-event; incapable of having much real impact on the culture or the church.
What do you think? Why?
I just came across a great article for further reading...Click here and check it out!
I think that there's a lot of confusion in our society about the truth. And with the actors, writers, populatiy of the book, and the budget the movie has, it's sure to reach into all parts of our culture. A lot of people will certainly question what they know as truth. As to the vulnerability of the church through all of that, I think it depends on whether you see questioning the truth a good or bad thing. I think that questioning truth and honestly searching for it is necessary for an individual to go through often to find that it's true. That's when people need some direction and help from their church community. I think that The Da Vinci Code will be opportunity for the truth to prevail. And it's a great opportunity for the church to get into the culture and interact.
I'm more concerned by Christians' histrionics over this than I am by the falsehoods in the book itself (a work of fiction).
The book is very entertaining and raises some serious questions. As Christians, we should be using the minds we've been given to research and give rebuttal to falsehood, instead of lashing out as though we're tiny children afraid of everything that goes bump in the night.
Yes, I think this is a great opportunity to address issues that may not have even come up in discussion a few years ago. God has a way of redeeming things for His glory.
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