Monday, March 12, 2007

Estes Park, Colorado

Heidi and I just arrived in Colorado for a week of vacation. The weather is gorgeous and we're staying just outside of Rocky Mountain National Park. This afternoon I snowshoed up to a lake just above 10,000 feet. These are a couple of photos I took -- one is of Long's Peak. It will take a while to get used to the altitude. There are a couple 14'ers that I'm thinking of doing, but that might be too much.

Anyway, it's good for us just hanging out together. Heidi's best friend lives in Colorado Springs and we are going to see her and her husband later in the week. They are on staff with YWAM there.

We are missing the kids, but they're in good hand thanks to Cassandra Jeans and a lot of great people at our church.

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