Thursday, April 01, 2010

Easter – The Morning that Changed Everything

This is the message that I spoke at Faith Center on Easter weekend, 2010.

The manuscript is here: The Morning that Changed Everything.

Audio podcast is HERE.


mdalton said...

Hi Matt!

Great message this morning! I like how practical you made it. It's great to have you and your wife here.

We have not met yet, but I am at your service if you need me. You can find me at several places on the internet: (I sell new and used Christian books and help manage the NCBI library), (I publish books, six of them by F. W. Boreham) and (I write book and music reviews for The Phantom Tollbooth). I also serve as the head usher at 9:00am on Sunday mornings.

I hope you don't mind the addresses. I just wanted to introduce myself.

Thanks again for a message that met us where we live and provided hope and encouragement.


Steve Hamon said...

Hi, Matt--Greetings from My wife and I. We are so happy that you have joined our community and look forward to meeting you in person. We enjoyed your Easter message. I hope your wife can join you soon and that you find a comfortable house, even though the "dooz" does sound like a cozy temporary abode.

Matt said...

Thanks Michael and Steve! We really enjoyed Easter and cannot wait to get grounded in the Faith Center/Humbolt community. I will see you both around.